© Dufour

Marie Dufour, Berlin : Epicurean Yeacher


1/Your favorite food

A big fat Beef Ribs medium rare with rates kartoffeln, guerande salt and rosemary and a portion of green beans on the side. I also love very much Burgundy cheese such as Epoisse and Soumaintrain

2/Your least favorite food

Prawns as I am really allergic

3/The first restaurant you remember going to in Berlin :

Hyperlink but you have to love chicken

4/The one you remember going over and over

la Pecora Nera (Herrfurthplatz)//the Bird (Schönleinstr)  and the Edelweiss Brunch in Görlitzer Park

5/Your favorite wine :

Burgundy wines, côtes de Nuits and côtes de Beaune

Vins bourguignons : côtes de Nuits et côtes de Beaune !

6/Where can we find you in Berlin :

At school, at a concert, an exhibition, a theatershow or in Neukölln at the Lipopette bar or in any wine bar.

7/The first wine you ever tried :

A Bordeaux wine most probably (this is a family affair)

8/And the last
Monthélie 2014 domaine Nicolas Morin// St Joseph 2014 Julien Cécillon

9/The dish you make best

Salads and Aperitivo

10/An album that make you thirsty
Pink Martini//Moriarty

11/A taste from your childhood

Mashed potatoes with a butter whole in the middle, topped with pepper and malléoles

12/ What would you drink at your last supper
A Chambolle-Musigny Les Fuées vintage 2009 from domaine Sigault

13/ What constantly in your wine fridge

Lemon, mustard, beetroots, parsley, avocado and my “epinephrine” against my food allergies

14/What would never be in your fridge
Prawns of course

15/What do you listen to when you drink

The person I am sharing the bottle with

16/Your favorite place in Berlin and why
There are a lot but let’s say Templehof !

17/What would be the best breakfast someone cook for for you

Milk coffee, toasted bread with salted butter and honey, squeezed orange juice, some kisses and the newspaper…Anyone ?

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